More than 1.5 years of the pandemic has done great harm to countless communities across the globe. That is the Big Picture view. For this blog, however, our focus must be narrower. In the presence of what seems like a never-ending sequence of adverse events, the damage has been done by what we call the “self-doubt virus”, a leadership pandemic affecting countless heart-centered, compassionate leaders.leadership pandemic

Let’s begin by defining our terms:

  • Pandemic – A pandemic is an epidemic that has grown beyond a defined region and has spread to, in this case, a worldwide problem.
  • Virus – For our purposes, a virus is defined as a harmful or corrupting agency or influence that replicates itself and can spread to epidemic and pandemic proportions.

The two then feed on each other. As a sliver of self-doubt develops in a leader, it is seen by others and begins to spread among those needing leadership. The virus of doubt then circles back to the source where the corrupting influence deepens and grows stronger, eventually spreading among other leaders. This in turn harms their teams and the self-doubt grows into epidemic, then pandemic, proportions.

The cure?

Is There a Self-Doubt Virus Vaccine?

There is no simple way to “vaccinate” yourself against the self-doubt virus unless you’ve built your personal and professional lives on a foundation of emotional intelligence that enables self-actualization as a goal.

The first step needed to address this threat to your professional life is ignoring the symptoms and seeking the causes. Your goal then must be to discover what is preventing you from fully stepping into your authentic power as a heart-centered and compassionate leader and design the life you desire.

What are these symptoms?

  • Thinking what you have is “good enough”
  • You doubt your value as a professional
  • You endure a toxic workplace because you can’t imagine an alternative
  • Feeling you’ve outgrown your current work environment but are unable to see a new role for yourself
  • You believe it’s “too late” to move on to something better
  • Feeling overwhelmed emotionally
  • Paralyzed by fear in the presence of adverse events

You see, simply letting go and leaving is a crucial skill that does not come easily to empathic leaders. They can spend years stuck in environments and relationships that are not serving them. However, by addressing the root cause of this pattern, it’s possible to rewind your brain and break through the deep fears that prevent you from exiting any relationship that is no longer serving you.

Unfortunately, forceful willpower is not an answer in this situation. This is especially when your job is on the line because it’s so easy to fall back on familiar behaviors (and doubts).

Overgiver Syndrome

The self-doubt virus we’re dealing with today is most common among Overgivers; the result of a foundational belief that, no matter what you do it’s never enough. How can I do enough in the presence of such adverse events? It manifests in the dynamic that forces you into constantly “proving” yourself to others: working overtime, overcommitting, overachieving despite a lack of recognition.

Of course, the next step then is to transition into Overwhelm Mode; feeling like there is never enough time in a day and missing out on daily, simple steps that can actually make a difference. All of this, while the world actually needs heart-centered leaders more than ever. This is the paradox.

If these descriptions resonate with you, and by doing so perhaps embarrasses you, take comfort in the fact that it is usually not a conscious choice but ingrained since childhood (a system of limiting beliefs all of us carry around!). You may also be relieved to know that it is possible to overcome the impulse to be an Overgiver and, instead, become empowered, self-reliant, and fulfilled.

Steps Can Be Taken to Cope

Know this please: It’s about the QUALITY of life you create for yourself and your loved ones. Most of my clients desire inner freedom, a meaningful vocation that makes a positive impact in the world, a sense of calm, a sense of balance (on their terms), and a connection with their soul’s purpose. Financial freedom, vibrant health, fulfilling relationships, self-actualization, and lifelong learning are essential parts of this quality of life, but none of them is the end goal. Together, however, they form a heart-centered lifestyle that is essential to your wellbeing.

Like most DIY projects, working alone to construct a self-actualized life that enables you to become a fully realized human being can quickly become more than you bargained for. That’s when you need to hire a specialist. After all, you’re not simply repairing a leaking faucet, you’re building a life.

You should never put yourself, let alone your mental and physical health, in a vulnerable position because of your fear of letting go, discomfort with things and relationships ending, and scarcity mindset. I am here to support and help you, should you feel you need it. To get started on your transformation… Feel free to contact me for answers.