self-actualization is key

Self-Actualization is Key to a Successful Career Change

EI Blog
Self-Actualization is the Key to a Successful Career Change It almost goes without saying that many people, including successful heart-centered leaders, are finding themselves searching the job listings these days. With pandemic-related job loss at near-record levels, making a successful career change when you had not planned to do so can be intimidating, if not…
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tips for the new year

Tips for the New Year for Compassionate Leaders

EI Blog
Tips for the New Year for Compassionate Leaders It’s been a busy month for most of us. Even as we get ready for the “Most wonderful time of the year”, the ongoing health crisis looms, potentially curbing enthusiasm and turning a normally joy-filled time of year a bit melancholy. On the other hand, my favorite…
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videos for compassionate leaders

Maria’s YouTube Channel for Compassionate & Heart-Centered Leaders

EI Blog
Maria’s YouTube Channel for Compassionate & Heart-Centered Leaders Thank you so much for supporting Maria’s YouTube channel for compassionate and heart-centered leaders! Subscriptions and views continue to grow, which makes all the hard work rewarding. Again, thank you! While I try to keep the videos I produce as short as possible to save you time,…
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transformational journey

Overcoming Transition Challenges for Heart-Centered Leaders

EI Blog
Overcoming Transition Challenges for Heart-Centered Leaders In a previous post on how to make a successful career transition (and how to be assertive and compassionate at the same time), I shared the phases of transition, the difference between transition and change, and the skills needed to go through the transition process. Today, I’ll share with…
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transition challenges

Can Leaders be Assertive and Compassionate at the Same Time?

EI Blog
Can Leaders be Assertive and Compassionate at the Same Time? This week, we are tackling two subjects in a single blog post: 1) how to be assertive and compassionate as a leader, and 2) making a career transition. It’s unfortunate that, when most people think of someone being assertive, they imagine them to be aggressive…
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videos for compassionate leaders

New YouTube Channel for Compassionate & Heart-Centered Leaders

EI Blog
New YouTube Channel for Compassionate & Heart-Centered Leaders First, the introduction of our new YouTube channel has been a big success. For this, we would like to say a great big “Thank You!” It’s because of you that all the work required to put it together and get it started has been worth it! And,…
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compassionate leadership skills

Receiving Feedback is a Valuable Skill for Compassionate Leaders

EI Blog
Receiving Feedback is a Valuable Skill for Compassionate Leaders It’s unfortunate that the word “feedback” has a bad rap in our culture. The reason is fairly obvious, that many fear feedback because, for them, it has become synonymous with condemnation and disapproval. A sort of “What is wrong with you?” declaration that makes many of…
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compassionate leadership tips

Overcome Overwhelm by Staying Grounded During the Day

EI Blog
How to Stay Grounded During the Day & Overcome Overwhelm When you’re given – or when you give yourself – too many tasks to complete, it’s easy to become filled with uncontrollable emotion or too much sensory input. This is the very definition of the phenomenon known as overwhelm. Today, I will share three steps…
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heart centered leaders

5 Steps to Boost Your Confidence as a Compassionate Leader

EI Blog
5 Steps to Boost Your Confidence as a Compassionate Leader In the latest video on my YouTube channel, I share 5 tips to boost your confidence, increase your influence, and become the best leader you can be. So, here’s the question for heart-centered, compassionate leaders today: Are you fully leveraging your strengths to make the…
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