compassionate leadership

Unprecedented Times Require a Rare Display of Leadership Skills

EI Blog
Leading During the Pandemic Unprecedented times like we’re going through today can create a wide variety of emotional responses few of us have ever experienced. Literally, there has never been a time in our lives when living in the moment, of being present in the moment, is as important as it is right now. Such…
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pandemic eq

Feeling Anger and Sadness Are a Natural Part of Your Pandemic EQ

EI Blog
Feeling Anger and Sadness Are a Natural Part of Your Pandemic EQ When you think about human nature and how most people respond to having arbitrary limits put on their choices, it’s not really surprising that feeling anger and sadness are growing as part of their pandemic EQ. From the coronavirus pandemic itself, to the…
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steep learning curve

Your New Learning Curve – Developing Pandemic Coping Skills

EI Blog
Your New Learning Curve – Developing Pandemic Coping Skills It occurs that we often speak of certain things with the expectation we all know what we’re talking about. Yet, this may not always be the case; for example, “learning curve”. At its simplest level, this means the more often you perform a task, the higher…
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practice being present

How are you doing? A personal message and a personal challenge

EI Blog
How are you doing? A personal message and a personal challenge As this unprecedented week is coming to an end, may I ask you this simple question: how are you doing? Not as a greeting, but genuinely – how are you? We are expected to go through this unknown territory while being very poorly equipped,…
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self-awareness skills

What is Executive Coaching and Why Should Anyone Care?

EI Blog
What is Executive Coaching and Why Should Anyone Care? There is a common misconception, held by many, about what executive coaching entails. Perhaps surprisingly, it is NOT all about the boardroom, C-suite offices, or being “The Boss”. In fact, at its most fundamental level, executive coaching begins with gaining clarity about what kind of person…
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empathic leadership

Where Should Empathy Rank Among Best Leadership Skills?

EI Blog
Where Should Empathy Rank Among Best Leadership Skills? Empathy is about being able to understand and recognize the feelings and perspectives of others. If you’re in a management position, you have likely been told that you need to develop empathy because it’s one of the best leadership skills you can employ. This makes sense since…
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building high performance teams

The Power of Empathic Leadership for Building High Performance Teams

EI Blog
The Power of Empathic Leadership for Building High Performance Teams In a previous post, we explored the limitations and psychological harm caused by toxic environments, microaggression, and other leadership pitfalls. On the other hand, empathic leadership is regarded by many as the most important instrument in a leader’s toolbox. Still, while harnessing the breadth and…
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