bullying in the workplace

Workplace Bullying – An Impediment to Building High Performance Teams

EI Blog
Bullies have always existed, and likely always will. From grade school through high school and from college into the workforce, most of us have been bullied at some point in our lives. While most of us have also learned to overcome these experiences, workplace bullying persists and is rarely addressed effectively by employers. In fact,…
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compassionate leadership

Leadership Coaching Case Study: Terry Noel Rediscovers Joy!

EI Blog, Interview
Terry Noel has an inspiring journey of transformation, in both her personal and professional lives, which makes for a wonderful leadership coaching case study. Not long ago, she made a transition from her career as a nurse to the corporate world. When we started working together at the beginning of 2019, she hardly had time…
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leadership coaching style

Leadership Coaching Case Study: Audrey Allard Shines!

Client Case Study, EI Blog
As a leadership coaching case study, Audrey Allard shines bright. When we began working together in October 2018, Audrey had been an elementary school teacher in Toronto for some 25 years. In addition, she also teaches adults at university and college for future educators and teachers. And yet, despite her success in these areas, she…
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Leadership Coaching Case Study: Julia Sanzharova

Client Case Study, EI Blog
Sharing a leadership coaching case study is a good way to display my coaching leadership style. From the initial interview to an EQ-i 2.0 assessment, I am able to develop an agenda for helping clients improve their own leadership style; reinforcing areas of strength and discovering areas for improvement. Julia oversees an international team for…
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building high performance teams

How to Be an Effective Leader – To Get More, Expect More

EI Blog
It is easy to get lost between the two polarities – expect less or expect more, both of others and yourself. Yet, to be an effective leader you must have expectations. As the famous author and poet Sylvia Plath once wrote: “If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed.” However, human nature dictates…
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