dealing with toxic team members

Team Building Tips – Identifying Negativity and Toxic Behavior

EI Blog
It’s a simple fact of life that not all employees are created equal. A few will quickly take the ball and run with it, while others need to be micro-managed. And, still others may develop a negative attitude and engage in toxic behaviors that affect the entire team. Learning to identify negative attitudes and toxic…
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overcoming limiting beliefs

Are You Feeling Stuck? Resilience Training May Be Just What You Need

EI Blog
Being resilient often has different meanings to different people, usually based on their circumstances and how they feel about them. Stated broadly, it is the capacity to adapt to trying situations and emotional turmoil, learn and grow while going through these challenges, while also feeling confident of the ability to do so. While executives and…
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dealing with toxic team members

Building High Performance Teams – Best Leadership Skills

EI Blog
According to, there are five factors which describe the behaviors of leaders who are proficient at building high performance teams: Team Leaders Inspire More Than They Drive – Leaders in high-performance teams know how to create energy and enthusiasm in the team. Team members feel inspired, that they are on a mission, and that…
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coaching leadership style

Coaching Leadership Style and Mindfulness Training for Leaders

EI Blog
Leaders have a strong tendency to spend time planning, problem-solving, and thinking about conflict resolution among team members. This focus on the future, and often the past, can lead to thinking negative or random thoughts which can be draining. It can also make you more likely to experience stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression. Mindfulness…
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compassionate leadership

Best Leadership Skills – Time Management vs Energy Management

EI Blog
Wherever you search the internet for business coaching advice today, you’ll find page after page of suggestions for improving your time management skills. This is perhaps understandable when you consider the high-stress, fast-paced, constantly connected business environment we work in. And yet, it is precisely such an environment that cries out for improved energy management…
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compassionate leadership

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coaching – Secure Attachment Style

EI Blog
The experiences I’ve had with emotional intelligence leadership coaching have taught me many things, not least of which is that human responses to situations and relationships are rarely black and white. Being consistent in inconsistent and unpredictable emotional and behavioral responses is not a type of consistency you want to demonstrate as a leader, as…
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dealing with toxic team members

Coaching Leadership Style – Understanding Your Attachment Style

EI Blog
Your attachment style is directly related to the way you respond to situations and relationships and go a long way toward determining your behavior and coaching leadership style; what is currently known as the “behavioral system”. In short, behavioral systems organize a specific type of behavior and they work together (or against each other) in…
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compassionate leadership

Effective Leadership Qualities – How Attachment Patterns Affect Leadership

EI Blog
One of the more effective leadership qualities you can develop is to understand the influence of the attachment patterns you’ve developed throughout life. Since attachment styles define the patterns in which you form perception of yourself and other people, being conscious of them will determine how you interact with others, in the workplace and in your…
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leadership coaching style

Leadership Presence – Developing Enhanced Leadership Characteristics

EI Blog
Leadership presence can be difficult to define but, for most people, it’s that “certain something” found in those who inspire and motivate others. It’s a blend of personal and interpersonal skills that, when combined, send positive signals to all in your circle of influence. As a leadership characteristic, it’s about more than how you “show…
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collective trauma

How To Be An Effective Leader – Practice Mindful Leadership

EI Blog
In the fast-paced, high-stress, constantly-connected world we live in today, you are endlessly bombarded with distractions; from an overflowing inbox to frequent text messages and phone calls, the demands made on your time and energy can be overwhelming. When you consider the realities of today’s business environment, you can be forgiven for wondering how to…
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