In a previous post devoted to Self-Actualization as a Leadership Skill, we made the case that human work life balancemotivation is based on an individual’s ability to seek fulfillment and change through personal growth. Further, we advanced the idea that, by consciously devoting yourself to this “hierarchy of needs”, you would become a better leader. While all of this is true, it’s also true that doing so will enable you to discover a stronger sense of work/life balance.

A quick review should be helpful:

According to Maslow, the hierarchy of needs is structured from the bottom upwards, and are:

  • Basic needs: physiological survival and physical safety
  • Psychological needs: love, intimacy, and belonging
  • Self-fulfillment needs: esteem and achievement, plus self-actualization and fulfillment

Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs that are higher up, although both Maslow and researched that later explored his theory, suggested that it is not always in case. In different cultures, it is not uncommon that people attend to the higher level needs while “skipping” some of the previous levels.

By defining such a logical progression of human motivation, Maslow has also outlined a clear path for personal development and fulfillment. In other words, if you are able to remain conscious of your needs at every level, from the most basic to the most advanced, you will more fully realize your talents and potential.

Mindfulness training is a powerful tool for reaching such a level of consciousness, relative to your needs at every level. Doing so will enable you to fulfill them more effectively and will allow you to become a fully actualized person.

Mindfulness Training Leads to Greater Self-Actualization

As a mindful person, you will know yourself more fully; on a fundamental level. You will be more grounded in reality, with a clearer understanding of your place in the world. You will be more empathetic and your relationships will be deeper and stronger.

You will be able to create a vision of the person you wish to become, put together a personal development plan to match that vision, and make positive strides along your path to self-actualization.

It must be said that, while mindfulness training for work/life balance is all the rage today, few coaches approach their clients from the perspective of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. And yet, the potential for real personal growth and self-actualization can only be realized by adhering to the progression he described.

A well developed mindfulness training program will not only follow the principles outlined in the hierarchy of needs, but will also be structured in a way that increases your consciousness of them – enabling you to be fully aware of them at all times. After all, that is the very definition of mindfulness.

This, in turn, will support you in making decisions and choices that are a win-win solution both for you and other people, instead of staying on the path of dutiful self-sacrifice that leads to anxiety and depression.

Improve Decision Making and Develop Action Steps

This training will also focus on the practical application of the principles of self-actualization – action steps that can be taken that will empower you to change and become the fully realized individual you envision.

Mindfulness training that leads to greater self-actualization focuses on:

  • Increased acceptance of self, others, and reality
  • Self-discovery and personal growth
  • Increased problem-solving skills
  • Higher levels of emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Greater understanding of interpersonal relationships
  • Increased creativity and mental focus
  • Greater understanding and commitment to personal values

The post we mentioned in the introduction was focused on self-actualization as a leadership skill. Yet, it should now be obvious that the same principles can have a powerful effect on your personal life. It should also be obvious that mindfulness training and self-actualization are equally powerful tools you can use to discover a balance between work and life.

Would you like to learn more about finding work/life balance, mindfulness training, and how to improve emotional intelligence? Let’s chat. Click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.