Do What I Say, Not What I Do – The Loss of Self-Awareness During a Crises

Watching the news lately, it’s almost impossible to ignore the stunning lack of self-awareness that seems be almost pervasive in our culture today. With everyone from health experts to celebrities and even athletes telling you how to live and stay safe from Covid-19, even while doing the opposite themselves, the loss of self-awareness has become a cultural crisis in the West.loss of self-awareness

It really doesn’t matter what you think of the validity some of the “expert advice” in media today (which is NOT the point of this post). The important thing is not to be lost in the sea of overwhelming controversial statements followed by even more controversial behaviors. In the times like this, having a strong set of values (not to be confused with inflexibility and righteousness) that can guide you in decision making process is essential.

Why Self-Awareness is an Important Leadership Skill

Self-awareness is about having a clear perception of yourself, including: your strengths and limitations, your thoughts and beliefs, your motivations and your feelings, as well as the understanding of your actions and behaviors. Developing a strong sense of self-awareness also enables you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude, and your responses to them in the moment.

Self-aware individuals tend to make good leaders because they have no illusions about either their own skills and talents, or those of others. They avoid delusional thinking and are grounded in reality. They are solution oriented, decisive, and work hard to find real-world solutions to problems and challenges.

While they can be introspective, they are not overly self-centered or narcissistic. Because they are confident within themselves, they fully appreciate the skillsets and talents of others, and look for ways to effectively work in teams. They do not deny their own skills and ability to perform well, but they never belittle others who are still learning to achieve at a higher level. They are not intimidated by the talents of others. They are goal oriented, but do not let their vision for themselves obscure or overwhelm the needs of others.

Plus, they do not tell others what they “should” be doing – then ignore their own advice.

Of course, this does not mean that self-aware individuals are perfect. They have a realistic perception of themselves and their limitations, but they do not allow those limitations to stand in the way of moving towards their dreams. They are not overly bothered by failure, knowing it’s a temporary situation. In fact, they will often risk failing by trying to stretch themselves; expanding their skillset and enhancing their talents.

In other words, by being mindful enough to avoid a loss of self-awareness, they learn from their mistakes and are willing to make corrections to avoid them in the future.

Leadership Coaching Improves Self-Awareness

The good news is that self-awareness is a learned skill and virtually anyone can become better at it. Working with a coach can help you help take your understanding of self, leadership skills, and lifestyle to the next level. Through the use of enhanced self-awareness, you’ll be able to express yourself fully, support others willingly, and make your life and work vision your reality.

  • If you’re not sure what you can do to enhance your sense of self-awareness (but are self-aware enough to know that you need to), I can provide you with a map to guide you on your way. After taking an in-depth leadership assessment, you’ll understand your strengths along with the knowledge of where you have room to grow. You’ll receive a comprehensive report with concrete action steps that you can begin to work on right away.
  • If you’ve recently gone through a perceived failure in your professional life, you’ll earn how to integrate these types of experience into your action plan so you can reconnect with your strengths, self-confidence, and a strong sense of self. Working together, we will create the story of the new you, and make that story come to life!
  • Have you noticed how emotional reactions can drain you? Are you sick of hearing people say, “Don’t take it personally” when you’re not sure how else to take it? I will help you wield your emotions like the superpowers they are so that you can navigate difficult situations with ease. You’ll be able to handle challenging experiences without becoming a robotic leader who’s stuck in your own head. You’ll learn to lead from the heart and create teams that are passionate, growth-driven, and constantly improving.

As an experienced leadership coach, I’ll meet you where you are. Whether you’re in a period of transition, in a brand-new role, were just recently promoted, thinking about starting a new chapter in your career, or just feel exhausted, overworked, and ready for a change… I can help you overcome a loss of self-awareness, regain inner peace and freedom, and re-align your actions with your vision.

If you’re ready to get started, click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.