preventing burnout

High Achievers Burnout Part 2 – The Endless Job Description & Overload

EI Blog
One thing you rarely hear from a high achiever is, “That’s not in my job description.” That’s because, for them, pretty much anything can be included in their job description – and frequently is! This seemingly endless job description and overload are two of the more narrowly defined, workplace-related causes of high achievers burnout (which…
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causes of burnout

High Achievers Burnout – Oxymoron or Fact of Life?

EI Blog
The concept of high achievers burnout may seem to be an oxymoron and infrequent bedfellows but the opposite is true. For those of us who identify as above-average achievers, denial also becomes an ingrained characteristic of our personalities. Admitting we’re burning out is virtually impossible for us because it feels like “giving in” to the…
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the great resignation

The Great Resignation – Good or Bad for Heart-Centered Leaders?

EI Blog
Is the Great Resignation a good or bad thing for compassionate, heart-centered leaders? As we’ve shared before, when your life becomes balanced on a single point instead of a broad foundation, finding the good vs the bad can be challenging. And yet, such a situation can also offer opportunities that may not otherwise exist. With…
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self-actualization in a crisis

The New Leadership Pandemic – A Self-Doubt Virus is Spreading

EI Blog
More than 1.5 years of the pandemic has done great harm to countless communities across the globe. That is the Big Picture view. For this blog, however, our focus must be narrower. In the presence of what seems like a never-ending sequence of adverse events, the damage has been done by what we call the…
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get a raise and promotion

Want to Get a Raise and Promotion? Maybe You Should Quit Your Job!

EI Blog
Want to Get a Raise and Promotion? Maybe You Should Quit Your Job! If you’re looking for the definition of counter-intuitive, take another look at the title of this blog post. The workplace is changing and countless people are choosing to quit their jobs to find new and better opportunities. Some of them get a…
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videos for compassionate leaders

Tips for Introverted Leaders (And Those Who’re Not!)

EI Blog
Tips for Introverted Leaders (And Those Who’re Not!) The beginning of the New Year has brought a lot of transitions for me, some of them pretty challenging, while the others are super exciting. I will send out more updates about what is going on in my personal and business journey – so stay tuned. I…
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