define emotional intelligence

What is an EQ – How to Define Emotional Intelligence

EI Blog
As we begin a new year, it might be wise to define some of the most common terms we use here at the Emotional Intelligence Blog. After all, while we are intimately familiar with them, it occurs to us that the same may not be true for you, our audience. This is fairly common among…
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emotional intelligence test

Emotional Intelligence Test – EQ-i Reality Testing

EI Blog
    The Emotional Quotient Inventory, or EQ-i ( now in version 2.0) is the world’s leading “self-rating” assessment tool, used for determining your levels of emotional and social intelligence, and is an excellent way to understand your emotional competencies. As the most used and recognized emotional intelligence test, the EQ-i 2.0 provides you with…
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empathic leadership

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership – Self-Actualization as a Leadership Skill

EI Blog
  Self-actualization can be defined as the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone. When it comes to emotional intelligence and leadership, it should be thought of as a leadership skill that requires, even demands, long-term development. To explain it more fully; self-actualization refers…
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best leadership skills

Define Leader: What Are the Best Leadership Skills?

EI Blog
We talk a lot about leadership and emotional intelligence here, and how the two go hand in hand. It occurs to us however, that it may be prudent to explain what leadership entails; to define leader and what it means to lead, as opposed to being a follower, for example. While there are literally billions…
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best leadership skills

Best Leadership Skills – Self-Regard & Emotional Intelligence

EI Blog
Do you have a solid sense of who you are: your strengths and limitations as a leader – and as a person? Known as self-regard, having a thorough understanding of yourself is one of the key components of emotional intelligence (EI) and is also one of the best leadership skills you can work on. Unlike…
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best leadership skills

Self-Reliance and Building High Performance Teams

EI Blog
While it is generally accepted that self-reliance is one of the best leadership skills, this begs the question of how such a characteristic affects efforts to improve teamwork, and the potential impediment to building high performance teams. After all, building a team requires great interpersonal skills, enhanced social relations, and clearly defined roles within teams,…
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best leadership skills

What is an EQ – Why Emotional Intelligence is Important for Leaders

EI Blog
With emotional intelligence being such a popular subject today, many people want to know: What is an EQ? Your emotional quotient is the level of your emotional intelligence, which can be represented by a score on a standardized test. In its simplest form, emotional intelligence can be defined as the emotional skills you possess, as…
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emotional intelligence coaching

Emotional Intelligence Test – Are You a Motivator or Manipulator?

How well you handle interpersonal relationships may well be at the top of the list of best leadership skills to work on. Because few things are as costly and disruptive as managers who kill morale, understanding the difference between motivating and manipulating your team has huge value – to your team and you. An emotional…
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best leadership skills

Emotional Intelligence Coaching – Self-Awareness as a Leadership Skill

EI Blog
Some might call it integrity. Others may say that it’s being a good motivator. While neither are wrong, emotional intelligence coaching enables you to develop the ability to monitor your own emotions and reactions – which is perhaps the key leadership skill that promotes both short- and long-term success. Self-awareness means having a really good understanding…
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