We talk a lot about leadership and emotional intelligence here, and how the two go hand in hand. It occurs to us however, that it may be prudent to explain what leadership entails; to define leader and what it means to lead, as opposed to being a follower, for example.define leader

While there are literally billions of employees working in businesses throughout the world, the vast majority of whom are followers, being a leader seems to require “something more”; more than the ability to simply be competent at the work that you are doing and/or manage others. In some ways, the best leadership characteristics are subtle, and yet, there is evidence from research and day-to-day practices that show us what are the most effective models of leadership, and the characteristics of a successful leader.

Stated simply, management skills and leadership skills are often regarded as one and the same to many businesses. However, while the two positions may share similar characteristics, when we define leader it is clear they differ: in that not all managers are leaders, but all leaders are managers.

Define Leader & Leadership Characteristics

While the characteristics of individual leaders are often unique, there are certain qualities which are common among the best leaders:

  • Decisiveness
  • Awareness
  • Focus
  • Accountability
  • Empathy
  • Confidence
  • Optimism
  • Honesty
  • Inspiration

While a successful business owner needs to be a competent manger of people, a strong leader uses the characteristics outlined above to get their team on board to follow them toward their vision of success. Such qualities enable others to follow your lead enthusiastically, confident in your ability to take them in a positive direction.

Qualities of a Good Leader

As a leader, you must be able to get people to understand and believe in your vision; engaging with them and inspiring them to work with you to achieve the goals you’ve set for your business or organization. You will focus on interpersonal relationships with important contacts in other companies, as well as those within your organization, promoting promising individuals within your own company to foster innovation.

Being a true leader, you may be considered a “fearless innovator”, recognized for the fact that you are willing, nee eager, to challenge the status quo and are unafraid to take high risks in search of high rewards, for customers, employees, and shareholders alike.

Finally, we can define leader as someone who is bold, as well as confident; self-reliant without being arrogant or overbearing, while also being able to grasp and appreciate the needs of others. Leaders who embody transformational leadership characteristics are the role models for others. Understanding and learning these qualities can make you a more effective leader.

If you would you like to find the help you need to improve your leadership skills, through the enhanced use of emotional intelligence in the workplace and development of your EQ, let’s chat. Click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.