Terry Noel has an inspiring journey of transformation, in both her personal and professional lives, which makes for a wonderful leadership coaching case study.leadership coaching case study

Not long ago, she made a transition from her career as a nurse to the corporate world. When we started working together at the beginning of 2019, she hardly had time to read an email, as she was struggling to balance her full-time corporate job with her full-time education to become a business and executive coach.

Despite her busy schedule and newfound success, Terry knew that something is missing… It was time to rediscover her strengths and her passion, and take her life in the direction she wanted. She jokes that my program “put her on growth steroids”!

In fact, during our interview, she was kind enough to say:

“Maria is extremely knowledgeable on psychological principles, and also the coaching principles, and [she has] tremendous insight and empathy in listening and providing guidance to move closer to success in all areas.”

Benefits of Leadership Coaching

The wonderful thing about working with Terry was how open she was to learning my science-based approach to becoming a better leader. You see, she was already committed to being the best person she could be, to working to make her community better, she just wasn’t sure how to get there.

She needed something that would work in the real world of business, as well as her personal life, which is what I was able to provide.

Watch my interview with Terry to hear her story and learn:

  • How she mastered slowing down and going from being constantly busy to designing the life she wants while preparing for a new transition – with joy, openness, and ease.
  • How she stepped into her new identity, confidence, and true power.
  • What transformation it created in her wellbeing, quality of life, professional and personal realm.
  • How she applies everything she learned in the Transformational Leadership Program to make a difference every day and claim the life she is passionate about.

If you would you like to learn more about how to be an effective leader, through improving your leadership skills and the enhanced use of emotional intelligence in the workplace, click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.