Boost Your Emotional Intelligence Leadership Skills.

Maximize the effectiveness of your leadership skills through emotional intelligence assessment and advancement in as little as 4 months.

A customized 1:1 Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coaching program for results driven leaders who are ready to own the power of their emotions and bring their performance to the next level.

I want to Boost My Leadership

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coaching

If you are looking into new ways to lead from a place of confidence, clarity, and authenticity while modeling a life-work balance for your team…

But then, as a new day begins, you feel overwhelmed, get stuck into the traps of familiar, yet nonproductive behaviors, your dissatisfaction grows, and deep down you start to question your ability to succeed… then Boost Your Emotional Intelligence Leadership is perfect for you.

Dear Leader,

I know you are a role model for many people.

You are a competent, respected professional, who has shown rapid career growth and rose to the new heights in your organization. You are proud of your achievements and know that you are capable of even more. You know how to get things done – especially things that no one has accomplished before.

You know how it feels – to create the results that motivate and inspire.

But – you are experiencing the lack of success in your new role. You feel overwhelmed and worry about your next performance review. You notice resistance to your words and actions within some members of your team. You jump from micro-management to macro-management, struggling to find consistent balance.

In Short:

You want to be an effective, resilient leader in any intense and rapidly changing environment.

response to current events
building high performance teams

You desire…

  • Having clarity about what kind of leader you are and the ability to express it freely
  • Owning the power of your emotions to connect with others and building interpersonal relationships that work
  • A team you can rely on so you can dedicate time to important tasks that only you can accomplish
  • Staying present and laser-focused during the day
  • Recharging your energy levels to meet the high demands of your life
  • Keeping a clear head on the pertinent issues, without becoming frustrated by too much information
  • Being tuned into the situation and able to accurately assess the environment, resources, and future trends without your own biases
  • Coping and responding effectively to stress and increasing pressure

And most of all…

  • Being proud of the fulfilling and meaningful work that you do!

The problem is…

The more you try to “think yourself out” of your present challenges – the more you feel stuck. You know that there is a component missing and it is time to discover it!

Maybe you:

  • Are triggered by the same situations over and over again, regretting your emotional hijacks afterward
  • Overlook other people’s emotional state and wonder why some of them find it difficult to approach you
  • Assume that people know how you feel so you don’t express it through your words, facial expressions or body language
  • Are an effective communicator in calm waters, but struggle to respond effectively to the demands under stress
  • Are tired of the self-talk that beats you up in difficult moments
  • Are perceiving asking for support as a sign of incompetence and rely mostly on yourself
  • Are frustrated with how hard it is to find people that would meet your demands and expectations
  • Are feeling overextended and question your abilities to be an effective executive

If you feel blocked from your potential and unsatisfied with your results, it’s time to change!

Let’s unlock the power of emotional intelligence to advance your leadership.

You do not need to second-guess yourself and spend the precious night hours trying to find the secret alchemy component to your success.


Good news – it has been found already!

Emotional Intelligence Leadership Training

Emotional Intelligence is a predictor of success in life and work. It can be measured by the EQ- emotional quotient. Unlike IQ, you can enhance your EQ during your lifetime. EQ is the factor that defines higher income, successful relationships, and general well-being.

Emotional Intelligence Leadership CoachingI’m Dr. Maria Neizvestnaya, a certified personal and executive coach, and I am here to make sure you will master the Emotional Intelligence Leadership skills needed to lead the career and life of your dreams.

As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), I work with results-driven executives who are longing to step into their power from the place of awareness, presence, and impact.

During my 12 years of experience as a CEO in the personal growth and development industry, I have experienced both the moments of unprecedented success and the moments where I felt stuck and frustrated. The former felt amazingly good. The latter marked the milestones when I grew tremendously.

When I felt stuck, I would ask myself questions and attempt to look for the answers. The first place I would look into would be books. I remember very well the day when I walked to the bookstore after a difficult meeting. The results that I loved so much were in place; the business was growing. But my team was not. In fact, many people were exhausted, and the tension between us became almost tangible. I did not feel like celebrating the success. Each day felt like a battle, and I was wondering how much willpower I had left to push myself further.  I bought two books of a very unusual choice.

One was written by the Dalai Lama, another one – by D. Goleman.

Looking back, I find it interesting that many years ago, I could not quite understand what D. Goleman was writing about. Emotional Intelligence seemed an interesting concept, yet I could not find how to implement it, either with myself or my team.  But I wanted to know! I experienced “not living the life I wanted” state and understood how high the price of it is.

My journey in the next several years included getting Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Psychology, learning how to lead from the place of authenticity and vulnerability, becoming a Certified Executive Coach and a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program Teacher, and reinventing my career.


I made meditation and yoga practice a part of my everyday life, learned to combine the intense schedule with stillness and joy, follow my heart, trust my intuition, and be curious.

I learned how to befriend my emotions instead of muting myself to fit in and avoiding them – and discovered that this is one of the keys to inner freedom.

Despite the loud inner voice that had been predicting my unfortunate transformation into a jobless hippie with lost self-identity – I now feel present, alive, and I look forward to what each new day has to offer. As for my ability to create results – it is enhanced by less effort and more gratitude.

I walk the talk, passionately look into new ways of expanding myself and receive coaching from the best professionals in the field.

This experience gives me the privilege of helping you to achieve the results that you want and create your unique leadership style.

I created Boost Your Emotional Intelligence Leadership as the program that is individually crafted around your needs and has the sound basis of evidence-based practices and approaches.

I want you to BE a successful leader, FEEL that you are living YOUR life fully and HAVE the results that you desire.


You are the Key to Building High Performance Teams

Because you are the person who makes a huge difference in the life of many people. You have the impact and power. Your ability to make this impact depends on your well-being. Your people’s well being is influenced by your well-being.

The world today is in great need of self-aware, ethical, and growth-oriented leaders. This is my vision and my invitation to you!

  • to know yourself; be true to yourself and your values
  • grow in all areas of your life as your leadership skills evolve
  • be passionate about your achievements, as well  as the process of reaching them

A lot of executives think it is easier to do it on their own.

The DIY mindset very often holds leaders back, and when it comes to the point where they need to take action to change, they start to think:

  • This might work for others, but won’t work for me
  • I have urgent things to do at the moment; I do not have time for this
  • Emotions are not important. I am smart, keep everything under control and can get necessary information by reading a book
  • This is too hard and takes forever
  • I am already good at what I am doing; I want other people to change
  • There is not much I can do in this situation

You have moved past these limiting beliefs and are searching for the new ways to bring your leadership to the next level. I don’t want you to spend more time and other resources searching on your own, so I have built a curriculum of “Boost your EQ” to fit your unique needs.


I will guide you through the process of assessing and enhancing your Emotional Intelligence skills. You will get an objective report on your current strengths and areas of growth, as well as a clear action plan that you will execute weekly.

You will learn how to use the power of your emotions to be an inspiring, confident leader

You will act from the place of authenticity and presence, boldly expressing your feelings and beliefs in a non-offensive way

You will master the skill of delivering decisions and ideas to your team in a way that they will own them, instead of resisting them

You will become competent in building mutually satisfying interpersonal relationships at different levels of your organization

You will increase your ability to cope with stressful situations, stay focused and energized and thus, make better decisions

Improving your Emotional Intelligence skills will not only help you be more successful at work but outside of work too!


What is Emotional Quotient?

EQ-i assessment measures the current level of your Emotional Intelligence – emotional and social functioning. You will receive feedback on your results and what they mean in a 20-page report.

Action plan

Based on your EQ-i report, we will customize the aligned modules to work within a 4 – month period to set you up for success. We will develop the action plan that will address these Emotional Intelligence components.

Depending on the modules applicable to your individual needs, you will experience growth in the following areas:

  • Emotional Self-Awareness

    You will gain a solid understanding of what causes your emotions and how you experience them. You will learn to recognize your emotions in the moment, which will help you to regulate your behavior and control the impact your emotions have on those you work with. You will be able to notice the mind-body connections within yourself and feel at ease with difficult emotions.

  • Confidence

    You will be able to increase your confidence and self-regard, accept both personal strength and limitations and remain self-secure and satisfied. You will learn to discern between your self-worth and your results, which, paradoxically, will create less tension and lead to better results.

  • Emotional Expression

    You will enhance your ability to explain the context of your decisions and behaviors within the landscape of your emotions and thoughts in a way that will be welcomed by others. You will acquire a diverse emotional vocabulary to express your feelings and create an empowering connection with people. You will also tap into the power of nonverbal communication and learn to use it as one of the components of your executive presence.

  • Interpersonal Relationships

    You will develop and maintain successful relationships with your team and peers by recognizing how others feel, mastering the art of effective feedback, expressing appreciation in a way that motivates and inspires.

  • Assertiveness

    You will learn to articulate your ideas and needs firmly, openly, and directly, keeping in mind others’ feelings and considering them, even in times of pressure.

  • Problem Solving

    Reality Testing and Impulse Control. You will be effectively managing emotions when solving problems, seeing things as they are and decoding the assumptions that drive your behaviors; you will increase your ability to resist or delay impulses.

  • Stress Management

    You will work on flexibility, learning to adapt to change effectively, increase stress tolerance.

As a result of enhancing your EQ, your overall WELL BEING will increase. You will notice that you are feeling satisfied, and enjoying life. Your TEAM will notice that too!

In these four months you will get:

  • EQ-i assessment report

    20 page report explaining the Emotional Intelligence components, your strengths, and areas of growth and concrete action steps you can take to enhance and balance your EQ

  • Weekly templates to track your progress

    You will use them for self-reflection, as well as to track your successes and explore the challenges that arise on the way. This will help you to prepare for our 1:1 sessions. Besides, looking back, you will be amazed how much you have accomplished in these four months!

  • Weekly feedback on your progress

    I will check in with you during the week – this is an excellent way to increase your accountability and make sure you stay on track.

  • Introductory workbook

    You will get elaborate information about the program content, as well as explore the questions that will help you to set up your goals

  • Twelve 1:1 50-minutes coaching sessions

    These audio calls will create the shifts in your mindset necessary for success, as well as provide the experiential learning that you will immediately apply to the areas we are working on.

  • EQ Toolbox

    After each session, you will receive a set of practices and exercises in a pdf, audio or video file format. Thus, you are getting a lifetime of support materials that you can use after the program is over.

I want to Boost My Leadership


  • Bonus #1 – Read it!

    The booklist from the top professionals in the field to keep you motivated, provide evidence and support for the amazing self-work you are doing.

  • Bonus #2 – Watch it!

    A list of inspiring videos that you can keep at hand and that will motivate you.

  • Bonus #3 – Turn distraction into action!

    Turn the phone distraction into meaningful time by using a list of the apps I will provide to you to continue the practice during your busy day at work.

  • Bonus #4 – Quote it!

    From time to time, you will receive an inspirational motivation quote from the author that will resonate with your experience.

I want to Boost My Leadership

What happens after I apply to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence Leadership?

After you click “apply”, you will choose the day and time for your free Strategy call. You will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire that will allow both you and me to prepare for the call.

During the call, we will explore your desired outcomes and discuss whether the program is a good fit for you at the moment. If we feel that it is, we will proceed to the enrollment process.

Once you submit the payment and sign the coaching contract, you will get an introductory workbook and a link to the EQ-i assessment. We will discuss your report, as well as create a detailed coaching plan during the first two 1:1 sessions.

I will make sure that you will receive ongoing support and answer all of your questions along the way. My promise is to make the onboarding process as smooth as possible so you can start right away and achieve the results you desire.

I want to Boost My Leadership

Many executive coaching programs focus primarily on behavioral changes, disregarding the underlying patterns that prevent you from making real, lasting changes. In my experience, human beings have the blessing of a complexity of both personal and spiritual realms. Relying purely on will power and forcing the change may work in the short run, but it results in painful setbacks in the long term.

“Boost your EQ” is unique in its eclectic and integrative approach that combines a self-discovery process with a clear action plan and objective assessment, mindfulness based practices, and curiosity with cognitive ways of knowing. The program uses the present moment as the unique possibility to learn from your own experience.  In our work together, you will know yourself at deeper levels and learn how to identify the inner blocks that stand in your way.

As one of my clients said: “Usually our weaknesses are something that is most hard to work for us. Otherwise, it would not be called ‘a weakness’.  Maybe all this is not an easy exercise but if you give it some time and effort the results will appear and it will fade away all skepticism that you may have at the beginning.”

You will learn to make a shift from these inner blocks to openness and inner freedom. From this space of expansion, you have access to your creativity, spontaneity, and joy. You are also able to navigate the unexpected currents of everyday work and life in general with much less effort. Imagine how much more energy you will have at the end of the day and what are the many ways you can spend it on!

  • Finishing the projects that you delayed for a long time
  • Increasing your visibility within the top management team
  • Learn and adopt more effective leadership qualities
  • Transforming your lifestyle
  • Launching social responsibility initiatives and participating in community service

My promise to you is that by the end of the program you will get more than just the results – although I am thrilled to celebrate them with you. You will experience a way of being in the world that is called “being present.” This is a lifetime guarantee as long as you show up. I will be grateful and inspired to accompany you, if you choose this journey!

I want to Boost My Leadership

Boost Your EQ is for YOU if …

  • You have gathered feedback from your peers, line managers, and direct reports and understand your development areas.
  • You are willing to get feedback that will highlight both your strengths and areas for growth.
  • You are ready to move forward in your organization.
  • You are willing to change your actions to create the results you want.
  • You understand that growth takes time and there is a time lag between applied efforts and the results. “Boost your EQ” is rather an organic gardening than “a magic pill-quick fix” approach.
  • You are willing to dedicate time to yourself and see this time as the best investment that you can make.
  • You understand that your inner emotional state and thoughts are directly linked to your success.
  • You are driven by results and understand the importance of building a team that you can rely on.

You are not ready yet if…

  • You are defensive about the feedback you get and think that it does not hold true, even when you hear the same things from different people.
  • You are totally new to personal growth and development AND feel skeptical about it.
  • You do not think you can find at least 30 minutes a day that you can dedicate to personal growth.
  • You have trouble with commitment, tend to quit as soon as challenges show up.
  • You are indecisive or tend to question and regret your decisions as soon as you make them.
  • You are prone to “paralysis of analysis, ” and there is nothing in the world that can get you out of that.

Invest in Emotional Intelligence Training

You can continue to think about your possible action plan and look for solutions on your own and…

  • lose time and feel exhausted by the end of the day
  • reinforce the vicious cycle of repeating the behaviors that no longer serve you
  • build the tension within your team
  • spend time on looking for another job in the uncertainty of your upcoming performance review

OR you can start the Emotional Intelligence Leadership Coaching program and master the emotional intelligence skills and attitudes that define your success as a leader!

I want to Boost My Leadership

You have a question? We’ve got answers!

There are twelve 50 minutes sessions within the four month period. You will have access to the calendar where you can book each session.

There is a 24-hour cancellation policy for 1:1 sessions. You can reschedule the session within a 4-month framework as long as you do it 24 hours before the beginning of the session.

30 minutes a day. You will be surprised how making a commitment to yourself as little as 30 minutes a day will transform your life! These 30 minutes are important because of the way your brain works. You will be literally rewiring the connections between certain areas of your brain – and this is only possible with consistent daily practice.

Change takes time. I can guarantee that you will succeed in addressing 1-2 modules in a four-month period. The self-awareness component is a crucial “basement” that you can further build on.

Once it is mastered to a certain level, you can add additional modules.

Daily practice is the key to success in the program. Setting aside 30 minutes a day is a powerful practice, and it will inevitably lead to results.

It might be a good fit for as you will create the basis for your success before running into major challenges. It is a good question to discuss during the Strategy call.

Yes. Enhancing your EQ will give you a different perspective on your current work situation and new abilities to address the most painful issues you are facing. It will also serve you in case you choose to change a job.

I want to Boost My Leadership

Have other questions? I am happy to help.