Executive Leadership Coaching – Executive Presence as a Leadership Tool

It’s not at all unusual for a person who has reached a great level of success to plateau; to “level out” and feel they have reached a stable state that executive leadership coachingoffers few opportunities for change or growth. This is exactly the type of high-achieving individual who can most benefit from executive leadership coaching.

Frankly, taking charge and being out front all the time can be exhausting; both physically and emotionally. Finding ways to recharge and refocus can be difficult but, leaders with a strong executive presence often find this easier to do.

While you may find your leadership role exhausting at times, by building and relying on your executive presence you will be able to fall back on the leadership skills you’ve developed to help you through those challenges.

Executive Presence Training

Executive presence is demonstrating the judgment to do the right thing – while executive leadership is the ability to consistently follow through on doing the right thing.

  • Intellectual and emotional self-management – As a condition of being able to lead and manage others, a good leader must develop the skills to manage and lead themselves; to maintain a positive mindset and vision for their team.
  • Building respect, trust, and loyalty – Respect and trust are two-way streets. A good leader knows it’s important to offer both before expecting to receive them in return. Once these two are established, loyalty follows as a matter of course.
  • Energy management – As mentioned in a previous post, being mindful of your energy level and learning to manage it more effectively will enable you to be more productive and will enhance your executive presence.
  • Managing relationships – A well-developed sense of empathy; that is, understanding the feelings of others, is the key to effectively managing relationships of all types. Developing your emotional intelligence skills as a leadership tool will lead you to a more empathetic mindset.
  • Goal setting for success – It’s easy to lose sight of your goals when you’re feeling emotionally exhausted. Yet, as a leader, it is your vision that drives your team and your goals that keep you, and them, focused. Working with an executive leadership coach may be the best way to reorient yourself and your team to enable all of you to achieve those goals successfully.

Have you read about emotional intelligence in the workplace and look forward to finding a practical application of it? Would you like to learn more about executive presence training and executive leadership coaching? Let’s chat. Click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.