Sharing a leadership coaching case study is a good way to display my coaching leadership style. From the initial interview to an EQ-i 2.0 assessment, I am able toleadership coaching case study develop an agenda for helping clients improve their own leadership style; reinforcing areas of strength and discovering areas for improvement.

Julia oversees an international team for a large multinational company in Europe. After studying her 360 Report, Engagement Report, and EQ-i 2.0 assessment results, we agreed to engage in one-to-one coaching program.

In her own words, Julia describes her goals and the results of our leadership coaching sessions:

“When I was 27 year old I was leading a team of 100 people which is of course incredibly soon and very fast as I started my career at the age of 23. So three-and-a-half years ago I was promoted again to become a partner and lead a European team, which meant I had to move from my home in Russia to live and work in Belgium.

“My main challenge was unsynchronized growth of my soft skills and the position in the organization, basically the challenge was high and I was approaching my own limitations as a leader so, I needed a boost.

“Another challenge is cultural differences in leadership style in Russia and diverse team from many countries in the world and I had to adapt my style to meet the requirements.

“My coaching goals were to extend my limitations and grow as a leader, to adapt my leadership style towards my team and regain confidence in the role I was promoted.

Benefits of Leadership Coaching

“My biggest accomplishments as a result of working with Maria:

  1. I had a good operational review and my change in leadership style was visible to my team and my line manager. Really, everyone noticed and admired the change. I was leading by example and some of my team members were really inspired and motivated to also work on their soft skills and evolve.
  2. I gained confidence that I am up to the job I am doing.
  3. I was promoted to the place I really wanted to be.

“Ultimately, it was a real pleasure working with [Maria] because of the incredible support… and the enormous information… that you share. You really [made me] feel like it was possible [to reach the goals we set].

“And now, thanks to your coaching, I’ve moved into my dream job!”

To learn more about Julia’s story and the positive results of the leadership coaching and work we did together, watch Julia’s interview here (captions are available):

If you would you like to learn more about how to be an effective leader, through improving your leadership skills and the enhanced use of emotional intelligence in the workplace, click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.