New YouTube Channel for Compassionate & Heart-Centered Leaders

First, the introduction of our new YouTube channel has been a big success. For this, we would like to say a great big “Thank You!” It’s because of you that all the work required to put it together and get it started has been worth it!

And, for you who have yet to visit, here is what we were up to in September on our YouTube channel for compassionate leaders:

With five episodes available, I’ve tackled a variety of subjects that are common stressors for compassionate leaders. Everything from preventing burnout to boosting confidence; from overcoming imposter syndrome to overcoming overwhelm; and even the seemingly simple (yet stressful) subject of receiving feedback.

new YouTube channel
I began this channel with a simple goal in mind – to share insights from the experiences I’ve had working with heart-centered, compassionate leaders. The information and tips I’ve been sharing are a direct result of the coaching I do with executives who find themselves struggling with these issues.

You see, I strongly believe the world needs more compassionate leaders, because transformational leadership rocks – and makes a positive change in the world!

In other words, I’m not offering theories or platitudes, but real-world, practical training from the world of business. Because of this, my audience has already begun to grow and we are very happy with the response. I’m hearing from executives, business owners, and HR managers as well as non-profit leaders and folks in public service. Entrepreneurs and educators; medical professionals and service oriented pros; social workers and mental health professionals are all responding to the message that heart-centered leadership makes a difference.

YouTube Channel for Heart-Centered Leaders

If you’re curious, here are linked to each of the first five episodes:

  • Episode 1: 3 Strategies for Preventing Burnout – There is a paradox about who gets burned out: Heart-centered and compassionate leaders are deeply devoted to their work and excel in what they do: purposeful businesses, non-profits, social work, medicine, etc. As a result, these executives are more vulnerable to burnout than others. Watch Now.
  • Episode 2: 5 Secrets to Boost Confidence – Are you fully leveraging your strengths to make the biggest impact, or does self-doubt stand in your way from realizing your full potential? Growing your confidence requires practice and strategies. My goal is to provide you with a road map. Once you have clarity, this journey becomes so much easier. Confidence is one of the most important ingredients that make compassionate leaders truly shine! Watch Now.
  • Episode 3: Overcome Imposter Syndrome – Imposter syndrome describes feelings of severe inadequacy and self-doubt that can leave you fearing that you will be exposed as a “fraud”, usually in your work life. It can affect anyone, regardless of their success. Watch Now.
  • Episode 4: Overcome Overwhelm – The more you practice gently redirecting your attention back to the task at hand, the more flexible your mind becomes. Focusing on one task at a time and slowing down actually helps the day go by faster. Plus, you expend less energy and aren’t frustrated – which is how you learn to overcome overwhelm. Watch Now.
  • Episode 5: Receiving Feedback – It’s unfortunate that the word “feedback” has gotten a bad rap in our culture. The reason is fairly obvious, that many fear feedback because it has become synonymous with disapproval. This makes giving and receiving feedback a skill that must be developed for it to be constructive – to both the giver and receiver. Watch Now.

We Appreciate Your Support

Again, thank you for watching, liking, and commenting on our videos – and please, make sure you SUBSCRIBE to receive notices of new videos as they are released! And hey – if you like what you see – please Share our channel on your favorite social media platform!

For more details and insight on this, watch my latest video. You can also subscribe to my channel to receive notification when new episodes are released. Then, if you have more questions, feel free to contact me for answers.