Some might call it integrity. Others may say that it’s being a good motivator. While neither are wrong, emotional intelligence coaching enables you to develop the ability to monitor your own emotions and reactions – which is perhaps the key leadership skill that promotes both short- and long-term successhow to be an effective leader.

Self-awareness means having a really good understanding of your emotions, as well as your strengths, limitations, attitudes, values and motives. From self-awareness, that is, understanding your emotions and being clear about your purpose, flows effective self-management.

Implications of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

In other words, if you have a solid understanding of what causes your emotions, it is much easier to regulate your behavior and control the impact your emotions have on those you work with.

By developing your emotional intelligence in the workplace, you show others that you are in touch with your emotions and that you manage them in a way that is healthy for you and your relationships at work.

Doing this makes it far more likely that you:

  • Have a solid read of your inner self; you can describe and manage the emotions you are experiencing.
  • Are aware of how emotions impact team morale, collaborative relationships, and individual performance.
  • Still have a few emotions that make you uneasy or are difficult to fully understand. (That’s OK; we all do.)

In other words, you are conscious of how you feel and understand how your emotions and your actions can affect the people around you. This enable you to have a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses, and it means behaving with humility. Further, you rarely attack others verbally, or make hasty, emotional decisions, stereotype others, or compromise your values.

You have high expectations for yourself and, though you hope for the best in others, you have realistic expectations for those around you. you are able to admit your own mistakes, and face the consequences for your choices and actions, while also holding others to a high standard – even while respecting them and understanding the challenges they face.

Your colleagues likely understand your management style and value your openness with them, as well as your efforts to be supportive of their perspective and their needs.

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence Coaching

However, there may still be some circumstances at work that cause you to be unsure of your emotions. When this happens, you could benefit from a bit more investigation into what triggered your feelings in these cases, and what subsequent action needs to be taken. Emotional intelligence coaching is the perfect answer to helping you understand these situations, enabling you to better develop your skillset as a leader.

Would you like to find the help you need to improve your leadership skills, through the enhanced use of emotional intelligence in the workplace? If so, let’s chat. Click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.