Leadership presence can be difficult to define but, for most people, it’s that “certain something” found in those who inspire and motivate others.leadership presence It’s a blend of personal and interpersonal skills that, when combined, send positive signals to all in your circle of influence. As a leadership characteristic, it’s about more than how you “show up”; it’s about how you make others feel, and how effectively you communicate – both verbally and non-verbally.

Leadership presence is the «wow» factor that will:

  • Set you apart as worthy of following
  • Put you in line for the next promotion
  • Keep your team engaged and ready to follow you
  • Empower you to reach your goals
  • Give your career the extra boost needed to succeed

Being a leader involves making others better because of your presence and influence. When others look at you, they should be able to gain confidence; they should be inspired to be more than they have been and should want to be more than they are.

7 Best Leadership Characteristics

Leadership presence is about far more than just being there… It’s about adding value and making a difference for yourself and those around you. If you hope to increase your own leadership presence, you will need to focus on these seven leadership characteristics:

  1. Character – Your character announces to the world who you are. Whether conscious or not, it speaks in a voice that reflects your heart and soul. When you lead with character, you share the essence of your identity.
  2. Attitude – Your attitude as a leader influences everyone around you; whether negative or positive. It will be felt by all around you even more quickly than your actions. A strong leadership presence is practiced far less in words than in attitudes and actions.
  3. Respect – The best leaders build presence by practicing respect in three ways: self-respect, respecting others, and by accepting responsibility for their actions. Without respect and responsibility, true leadership presence is impossible.
  4. Competency – Great leaders don’t simply tell others what they know, they show them how it’s done. You have to be proficient in your field and an expert with your skills to have a solid presence in your leadership style.
  5. Communication – Great leaders are also great listeners. They don’t speak because they love the sound of their own voice, but rather, to convey messages of positivity and support. They engage and advise with clarity, offering solutions that can be implemented and followed. The art of communication may be the most basic, and valuable, of all leadership characteristics.
  6. Integrity – Someone once said, “Integrity is honesty in action.” While some believe that leadership is about wielding power, integrity is always the purpose of leadership. Living and working with integrity means choosing your thoughts and actions based on your values and the goals of your organization – not for your personal gain. Absolute integrity is the supreme leadership quality.
  7. Emotional Intelligence (EI) – While intelligence is an important leadership characteristic, a high level of emotional intelligence will take you even farther and make you a more successful leader. EI gives you the ability to better understand yourself, as well as the motivations of others, and is a critical component of creating a strong leadership presence.

While there are many behavioral and attitudinal strategies that increase your leadership presence, developing these enhanced leadership characteristics are a great place to start.

If you would you like to find the help you need to build your leadership presence, through the enhanced use of emotional intelligence in the workplace and development of your EQ, my Free Leadership Webinar may be exactly what you need.