coping with frustration

Building High Performance Teams – Coping with Frustration

Building high-performance teams requires a wealth of leadership skills and depth of self-perception that not all of us possess, often leading to frustration at the poor performance of your team. For example: What does it really mean when you feel frustrated with your team? Are they just poor performers? Does HR need to “get a…
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decision making process

Decision Making – Prediction and Judgment Based on Reality

According to an article at the Harvard Business Review, good decision making requires a sense of two things: “How different choices change the likelihood of different outcomes and how desirable each of those outcomes is. In other words… decision making requires both prediction and judgment.” Of course, this presupposes that your decision-making process is reality-based…
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managing stress

Stress Management Tips – Accepting Stress

This is the first in a series of posts outlining stress management tips; for everyday living and for team leaders who struggle to cope with stress in a fast-paced workplace. Everyone experiences stress – everyone. In fact, it is the very nature of life that we all experience things which cause us stress. So, the…
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coping with frustration

Emotional Intelligence Test – What’s the Point?

An emotional intelligence test, also known as an emotional intelligence assessment, can have great value as an indicator – if not a predictor – of human performance and development potential. While not the sole indicator or predictor of these vital qualities, being able to measure your emotional and social skills offers powerful hints about the…
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