What They're Saying

When I started the EQ-I Transformational Leadership Program, I was hoping to change my financial and personal situation, start closing more deals and recognize and unblock the areas which were holding me back. One of the most significant problems at that point was the I was working hard trying to close deals, but after almost half a year had only closed $20K, was way behind my goals.

The coaching has benefitted me in many ways, especially recognizing areas of my emotional intelligence where I needed to work on and also my strengths. It helped me to make the necessary changes and learn new skills, which then enabled me connecting with my clients better, close much more deals, and led to the significant increase in my income. It helped to increase my confidence and self-regard, which, in turn, helped me in making better decisions in my personal and professional life. My stress level has significantly reduced during these months. I learned how not to take things personally and how to disconnect difficult situations from my emotions, seeing an opportunity to solve a problem. I have become intentional about my goals and plans.
I love that Maria as a coach is personable and friendly, and I feel comfortable discussing everything with her. She is available and willing to take extra time and interest in helping/solving whenever needed, unlike some other coaches who are available to speak within the time allotted and do not provide the ongoing support. I would absolutely recommend this coaching program because I can see how it helped me and how emotional intelligence can make a difference in professional and personal life.

Mona Edwards, MBA
Real Estate Entrepreneur

Wow! I am amazed by the type of work I am doing on myself with the first module. Never been there before. Feeling grateful to find the way to you and your coaching experience. I am feeling I now have the right tool to move forward in my professional life as well as the personal one cause I think we cannot separate one from the other.

Audrey Allard
School Principal, Canada

Thank you, again, for your coaching! It’s like you are my backbone, and I’m not so hard on myself anymore. My confidence in just being me is ok now!

Thank you, Maria! I have been doing much better than the past, no question. And work is going well, as long as I don’t dwell on the negative or the past. I can’t change the past, but moving on to greener pastures like you say!

Been working on the trophies, and that is what makes me happy. Working closer with my team also, although maybe too close, as I do enjoy being part of the action. That makes me happy, too. Talk to you this week!

Thank you, Maria! I am really appreciating your coaching, wow! I just know great things will come out of this. I am thankful that I found you. You are very good at what you do! Thank you, again. I look forward to participating with our weekend group also.

Good morning, Maria. I wanted to let you know your advice was perfect! The Force was with me at my meeting yesterday. Despite a bit of a contentious start, I facilitated a very good discussion with the team and the person I told you about aired her opinions and we have a very productive meeting. I felt like there was a bit of magic at work! Thank you for your time and guidance last week on this concern I had. Your guidance was so helpful. I feel awesome about the outcome!

Hello, Maria. I hope this finds you doing well. I am learning so much about myself. On top of being wildly busy, it is fantastic in so many ways. I am growing closer to where I have wanted to be. It is exhausting, too. I have to finish my projects for work this weekend and do good self care, too. Thank you for all of your knowledge and wisdom.

I was recently promoted to a new leadership position at a large IT company. I became a sales manager for a large area of Southeastern Europe. I oversee 24 countries— each country has its own unique business needs and the area I was put in charge of is very fragmented. Maria offered tremendous and invaluable support throughout this transition.

To succeed in this job, I needed to overcome several personal obstacles:

  • I did not have experience managing a large, multinational team
  • I did not have experience in international markets
  • I entered into this job during a wave of crisis and had to deal with an unstable economic situation
  • I was very afraid that my English-speaking ability would prevent me from conducting negotiations with the company’s management

After my first two weeks at this position, I realized the workload was colossal. I was under intense pressure, had a high level of responsibility, and had to master huge amounts of new information of data as quickly as I could. In addition, I had to coordinate remote local sales teams and rapidly develop my direction. Sometimes, things were so difficult that I began to have doubts. Is this what my position will always be like? Will this be too much work?

Thanks to my work with Maria, I successfully passed my trial period, increased sales growth, fulfilled ambitious professional plans, and built a sustainable team structure.

Our work developing mindfulness and emotional intelligence helped me to remain calm and stay balanced during difficult times.

Maria’s sessions are characterized by her friendly and attentive attitude, as well as her ability to create a special atmosphere of “presence” and self-awareness. During Maria’s sessions, I was able to get in touch with myself, my thoughts, and my emotions. She encouraged me to face my fears and move forward. She shows where I have room for improvement, and helps me get to the next level. The combination of her fact-based strategies, reason, and faith in my potential gave me the push I needed.

Maria’s extensive experience as the CEO of a large organization not only helped me achieve my personal goals, but also provided highly-qualified support in complex business projects.

Mikhienkova Olga
Sales Lead, Southeast Europe Region

I have been working with Maria for more than a year. The sessions with Maria turned the quality of my life around, brought joy back into my work, and improved my well-being. She has a structured approach, a genuine knowledge of the EQ challenges individuals face, and incredible, tailor-made techniques to tackle them. Maria is an inspiring, extremely intelligent, and knowledgeable coach— she became an enormous source of information, tools, and strategies to tackle complex issues at my work. I am deeply grateful to her for her help in my personal development. I am so lucky to have Maria in my life!

Julia Sanzharova
Planning Director, Belgium

Maria regularly comes to my aid when I’m stuck in challenging situations, both in my personal and professional life. She helped me to build better relationships with my managers and direct reports. When I was in situations where I was not sure what to do, I made a note of it before our next session. Each week we took a closer look at the situations and Maria coached me through them. We went over questions like these: What are your ideas for resolving the situation? What outcome would your ideas create? What are the interests and roles of the other people involved? As a result of Maria’s coaching, I achieved the outcomes I wanted, and the list of notes I brought to her got shorter and shorter. I received valuable skills, experience, and wisdom in a short period of time.

leadership communication coaching testimonial
Arthur Tarasenko
TV Channel Creative Producer, Adjunct Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Maria is the person who helped me to take the next step in my career as well as in my personal growth. Our sessions helped me to clarify my vision, aspirations, and desires, which allowed me to develop a concrete plan for their realization. I really liked the atmosphere of the sessions— I felt comfortable and was able to explore questions I had never thought about. This is hard to achieve without an experienced coach.

Maria made it easy to look at myself, see certain aspects that didn’t work anymore (which can be rather unsettling), and start to work on them. This was possible thanks to her support.

emotional intelligence coaching testimonial
Anton Merkulov
Managing director, The strategic event agency Podegiki

In  2015, I was promoted at work. On one hand this was great, and on the other hand, it was very stressful. I needed someone who could teach me how to behave in my new role, manage relationships with the management team, and overcome stress.

Maria helped me add some practical things into my daily routine that helped me. One of her suggestions was to make a detailed list of all my tasks. It was a very simple thing, but  I couldn’t guess myself being under so much stress. When I sat down and described all the tasks I had to complete (including minor ones), I saw the end of work and was able to stop feeling stressed. I have been using this tip in my daily routine since that time and have made a lot of progress. Based on this exercise, I created a matrix of responsibilities that helped me to distribute tasks and responsibility within my team. Maria’s questions during the sessions helped me to review some situations and evaluate them from another point of view.

I definitely can recommend Maria as a professional coach who can help you find answers in your professional life as well as in your personal life. I love her logical and common-sense approach. That was definitely what I needed at that particular moment. Even now, after a few years, I feel that the time I worked with Maria continues to have a positive impact on my current life and my work with my start-up project. To sum up, I would say that sessions with Maria helped me to add more mindfulness in my life. I  still use the meditation practices Maria taught me in the course. They are very helpful when I need to clear my mind and feel better.

building leadership skills testimonial
COO, co-founder, www.emop.world, UK, London