Tips for the New Year for Compassionate Leaders

It’s been a busy month for most of us. Even as we get ready for the “Most wonderful time of the year”, the ongoing health crisis looms, potentially curbing enthusiasm and turning a normally joy-filled time of year a bit melancholy. On the other hand, my favorite time of year has always been the last two weeks of December. Even as I reflect on the past 12-months, I feel filled with optimism and a sense of hope for an empowered year to come. These feelings inspire me to offer tips for the New Year.goal setting tips 2021

With this in mind, I’d like to mention a few of the videos on my YouTube channel where I share thoughts on dealing with uncertainty and setting up a framework for your own empowered New Year.

First, it’s understandable if you are feeling uncertain about the year ahead. Even if you thrive in a crisis, 10 months into a pandemic can take a toll on your mental and physical wellbeing. Not to mention the effect it may be having on your outlook for 2021.

Leading Through Uncertainty

If this sounds like you, even on a small scale, I think you’ll find value in my video, Leading in Uncertain Times: Heart-Centered Style. In this episode, I present you with three valuable tools to include in your pandemic-based leadership tool kit. Whether you’re a sole proprietor, a small business owner, or work for a large organization, this’ll help you stay on course, keep balanced, and be open to joy even in these precarious times.

For example: As a heart-centered leader, you’re excellent at providing a safe space for others. But, what about your own needs? If your overgiving autopilot is on, you can miss your body’s signals warning you to slow down and take care of yourself first.

It’s critical to remember that getting through this pandemic is a marathon, not a sprint. If you want to keep yourself whole, you will need to develop a rhythm and learn the early signs of overwhelm. (Why? Because prevention is the best strategy for vanquishing that insidious monster!)

A Planning Guide for the New Year (in the face of uncertainty)

OK, I simply have to say this… Planning for the New Year is not a waste of time!

Are we dealing with uncertainty? Is the pandemic still a large influencer in our lives? Must we expect the unexpected in 2021? Yes. Yes to all of those questions.

Yet, because you’re a heart-centered leader you understand that you are not the only one dealing with these challenges. You’re not the only person who needs to plan and set goals despite the ambiguity of the future. In fact, that kind of uncertainty makes forward-thinking and planning more critical than ever before.

And so, to end this tumultuous year. I’ve developed and presented a guide for setting yourself and your team up for success in 2021. In part one of my “Your Empowered 2021 Series”, titled 2021 New Year Planning Guide for Heart-Centered Leaders, strategies that will help you set reachable goals for next year.

From taking back your financial domain power and claim money that’s already available to you and knowing your worth, to how you can develop your own energy meter, know yourself well, and take off from there. These tips will empower you to control your tendency to over give, slow down in time to prevent overwhelm, and reconnect with joy!

Empower Yourself Next Year, with Intention and Attention

It may be a novel concept for heart-centered leaders to focus compassion on themselves. However, moving forward in uncertain times requires that you be fully committed to caring for yourself – just as committed as you are to caring for others.

Consciousness of purpose, or the intention that you must – and will – stay connected to your needs and wants and never give up on them, even during trying times, is one of the gifts we were given in 2020. That is, to realize what’s really important to us, not on a superficial or materialistic level, but on a deeper, more empowering plain, as well.

In my final video of the year, I outline the importance of self-care combined with gratitude. After all, one of the gifts this crazy year has given us is to realize what’s really important to us, not just on a superficial or materialistic level, but on a deeper, more empowering plain, as well. one as well. Stay connected to your needs and wants and never give up on them, even during trying times.

Then too, simple gratitude for being healthy, and for those you care about being healthy too, will promote balance and greater energy. Start with one thing you can be grateful for, and then, as you work your way along the list, you’ll find yourself reconnecting with your wants and needs. When you do this, you’ll surely be surprised to realize that you will regain the zest for creating and designing your life again.

Finally, and here’s my final tip; allow yourself a Lazy Day! That’s right, with full intention, I want you to enable yourself to enjoy a “do-nothing-day”!

Now, dong that is not an easy trick for a compassionate, heart-centered leader to grasp so, I encourage you to go back and watch the episode on leading in uncertain times. That’s where I share this valuable tip for self-care.

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