What is Executive Coaching and Why Should Anyone Care?

There is a common misconception, held by many, about what executive coaching entails. Perhaps surprisingly, it is NOT all about the boardroom, C-suite offices, or being “The Boss”. In fact, at its most fundamental level, executive coaching begins with gaining clarity about what kind of person you are, and how that impacts your role as a leader.what is executive coaching

That’s not to say what I do is therapy, though the work is certainly therapeutic due to its transformational nature. After all, introspection, self-awareness, and mindfulness training are not exactly at the top of the curriculum in most schools these days, which means most of us need some help to find what we’re looking for within ourselves.

Now that we have a sense of what executive coaching isn’t, let’s consider what it is, shall we?

Being at the top of an organization can be stressful: you are always and forever “on”; you’re an easy target for criticism; you must constantly evaluate yourself and your actions for effectiveness. (This, despite so many others being more than happy, even eager, to make those judgements for you).

Executive Coaching Goals

It’s very easy to feel isolated in such an environment, which is where the phrase, “It’s lonely at the top” no doubt comes from. On the other hand, working with a coach can help you overcome these isolating aspects of the leadership role, reinforcing the traits that got you to the top on the first place.

Such as:

  • Offer a different perspective and help you gain new insights into situations and relationships you regularly encounter
  • Help you discover ways to enhance self-awareness and emotional intelligence
  • Act as your sounding board and sparring partner in challenging situations

In other words, your coach is (or should be) the one person you can always count on to be willing to tell you what no one else dares to tell you.

Executive Coaching Benefits

The greatest voices in the world have a singing coach. The greatest athletes in the world work with coaches. Why shouldn’t top executives be willing to work with a coach? It’s a great way to invest in, and enhance, your development as a leader.

An executive coach exists to help bring out the best in you; to help you realize and fulfill your leadership potential. Following an initial interview and (usually) some testing to gain insight into your personality, strengths, and behavioral patterns, your coach will develop a plan that will enable you to:

  • Know your strengths as a leader and as a human being.
  • Understand your limitations and develop an action plan for improvement.
  • Learn to accept both aspects of yourself – without harsh negative judgment or arrogance.

It is this kind of clarity and self-awareness that will become the foundation of the work you will do to improve your leadership skills and, as a nice by-product, your life.

After gaining a Master’s Degree in Psychology combined with my 14 years of experience as a CEO of a company in leadership and personal development, I had to do a lot of learning on how to lead from the place of authenticity and vulnerability. This led me to the path of  becoming a Certified Executive Coach. Adding training as a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program Teacher I have reinvented my career– and find great joy in helping others do the same.

Are you ready to learn more about executive coaching and the impact it can have on your life and career? Click here to schedule your FREE Discovery Call.